Badge Statistics
- Created on 2013-08-01.
- Awarded 1205 times.
- 2.1% of people have earned this badge.
- First earned by jforbes on 2013-08-07.
- Last awarded to andymenderunix on 2020-09-13.
Badge Holders
jforbes mhlavink stefw limb vcrhonek tdawson rdieter tmraz pingou ajax nalin ppisar pcpa corsepiu ktdreyer trasher ttorcz remi rohara jcapik pbrobinson nhosoi galileo bcl buc anyremote myoung sagitter toshio jjames airlied jwboyer dcbw heffer shakthimaan zbyszek adamwill nb brouhaha raveit65 smani cicku kiilerix kevin msekleta f1ash orion stransky patches ellert mso cheeselee msrb mschwendt mrunge goldmann fujiwara mitr slaanesh mmagr mbooth tbzatek mtasaka than fsimonce tomspur jskarvad jkaluza rjones asrob averi tomh sochotni praiskup mgrepl mlichvar kdudka mchehab jhrozek rnovacek jstribny jsafrane scop ausil ovasik jsynacek teuf spot jirka gil krege martinkg jplesnik yaneti jwrdegoede jankratochvil paragn pbrady dsd pwouters kay otherwiseguy fab rathann kumarpraveen aalvarez cwickert valtri athmane mluscon mizdebsk jorton whot dwalsh pghmcfc kalev caolanm thozza dtardon shaiton phracek harald mmckinst ralph herlo mclasen bioinfornatics bpepple ndipanov avesh miminar jruzicka dledford jondkent yograterol mycae kkofler siwinski sailer eseyman epienbro bruno nucleo sgallagh churchyard mfabian iarnell leigh123linux lmacken ... and 1056 other people.