Badge Statistics
- Created on 2014-04-08.
- Awarded 69 times.
- 0.1% of people have earned this badge.
- First earned by nb on 2014-04-14.
- Last awarded to siddharthvipul1 on 2020-09-13.
Badge Holders
nb award3535 churchyard obsitos zoltanh721 levex spot rsuehle yn1v jsmith espasmo jbwillia strikerttd cydrobolt till pbrobinson puiterwijk mitzie vwbusguy jonatoni amsharma bee2502 eischmann giannisk ardian frantisekz riecatnor mattdm xiaofwan carlwgeorge bex jperrin rcb uraeus bstinson bookwar veronicajean siddharthvipul1 bkabrda rkuska mstuchli mcyprian msrb cstratak fab jdulaney codeblock bcotton rbergero asamalik quaid jforbes czanik kkofler rgeri77 gnokii cmpahar teferenc cryorat williamjmorenor robert kiilerix gitne jflory7 decause ryansb cprofitt mikedep333 nolski