Badge Statistics
- Created on 2014-09-02.
- Awarded 69 times.
- 0.1% of people have earned this badge.
- First earned by satellit on 2014-09-02.
- Last awarded to frantisekz on 2020-04-21.
Badge Holders
fedoradummy jreznik duffy kparal gnokii hhorak mattdm johannbg roshi wolnei sarupbanskota xosevp toshio ppisar pavlix sgallagh zerng07 jflory7 pravins jaaf64 sagitter tibbs lbrabec award3535 jibecfed fredlima efi alexove yulytas sumantrom zdenek alciregi renault pwhalen adamwill robatino limb williamjmorenor mclasen menantea juliuxpigface churchyard ankursinha stefw frantisekz satellit cicku immanetize coconut pschindl inkscaper anipeter petersen eischmann peter jkurik pnemade pfrields gil kevin till alick ignatenkobrain astepano luya bcotton fab lruzicka tablepc