Badge Statistics
- Created on 2013-12-04.
- Awarded 37 times.
- 0.1% of people have earned this badge.
- First earned by besser82 on 2014-01-09.
- Last awarded to kartik0709 on 2016-11-22.
Badge Holders
besser82 frankly3d award3535 ankursinha kusterjr delinuxspecialist rejymc williamjmorenor espasmo wolnei glennzo nonamedotc landim mitzie aeperezt teonet rvalkass tuankiet65 crisvann mathewmay1 gnovi twohot ampedcanada robert linuxmodder drewmeigs rodrigodearaujo yn1v arthurbuliva nb ib54003 nmilosev inco inode0 jsalex2 fredlima kartik0709