Badge Info

Curious Penguin (Ask Fedora III)

Forty or more questions and answers on the Ask Fedora system.

Badge Statistics

  • Created on 2013-08-01.
  • Awarded 194 times.
  • 0.3% of people have earned this badge.
  • First earned by hmaarrfk on 2013-08-07.
  • Last awarded to willtech on 2018-04-25.

Badge Holders

hmaarrfk nonamedotc shaiton yanglifu90 randomuser b0ris sea vijayan sergiomb davidva marcindulak dnlsrl kdg1955 lnxslck anishjp anurag skytux hawkfeather bochecha wquine sideburns baptistemm jamielinux ryanlerch pnadk megabyte robatino elwood panguro cobra mether maarten remjg rickhg12hs casep immanetize lzap wilf q2dg jmt deusdara nks joseluisq melviii100 muffin remi mithrial williamjmorenor yn1v umarmuktharm3 edwinpattam domg mohanprakash aeperezt j3frea lobocode cmatos mrunge bitwiseoperator donniezazen hello ahmadsamir fidelleon hedayat nickth sundaram ankursinha tonioc zoltanh721 roxoff oldrifle passthejoe pnemade pgueckel kholyphoenix1 bob mpduty robert jorti deadrat erik nuun cgonz31 padraic rbuj potty mayorga maxim augenauf xmetax dcrdev fusion809 ouesten ceres2009 kukacek fcomida noda paulojmlopes kova78 gobigobi66 chrismurphy rodrigodearaujo valent powergame mikechav terrycloth sigurdsk danniel zdenek x3mboy wavis glennzo thewanderer steveebey73742 imoj basic6 delacosta78 alciregi jlozadad eexpss summerm clnetbox ozeszty rookieoz aryasenna theonlyandy toddandmargo jpill theroark technog1 nisankh willtech ptselios x27qb8 controlaltdelete rat baoboa bit4man ilmostro yolo khaledb markito3 jondkent radioact1ve leigh123linux minda masteroman covex charlweed vtrefny thomaswood robyduck genodeftest ifo jtlinux nemobis noammo jvegas fredlima andmalc roblawrey muep fabash francko workman729 smurfendrek123 bogeual lsatenstein jflory7 gkr niyasc sommerfeldt ddkroyal001 snowolfe yonkyunior hhlp sudhirkhanger cialu spot wesleyotugo ssieb whot loway centinel20 jackyll mattdm graceful edwardc01 lovepump t3rm1n4l sixpack13 rugk lothar22 robbiethek