Badge Statistics
- Created on 2013-08-11.
- Awarded 143 times.
- 0.3% of people have earned this badge.
- First earned by ralph on 2013-08-11.
- Last awarded to siddharthvipul1 on 2020-04-19.
Badge Holders
dmalcolm shaiton greenfeld anshprat abompard ralph duffy rstrode besser82 pingou ryanlerch misc adamwill codeblock mattdm jehane oddshocks gregjurman patches notting kevin nb elad leamas laxathom johannbg ankursinha jamielinux aeperezt niteshnarayan tremble mrunge lbazan lmacken bruno sparks puiterwijk immanetize toshio mbooth zdenek churchyard rsuehle remi jforbes adimania robyduck vicodan hguemar kausdev bochecha pnemade pbrobinson pratyushasimharaju inode0 firemanxbr williamjmorenor twaugh sophiekovalevsky msuchy mayorga sgallagh moceap parasense riecatnor kusterjr till spot rmattes espasmo gnokii karsten thunderbirdtr nonamedotc pallavikumarijha mitzie jsandys pravins smooge gnovi botreynisa glennzo smittix robert eischmann zbyszek viveknrt cydrobolt fche jwakely jurankdankkal pranvk roshi dbruno bee2502 jibecfed jsmith phracek elioqoshi renault rodrigodearaujo sayanchowdhury mcyprian bex josereyesjdi mildew komcy akasurde a2batic itamarjp athoscr frantisekz siddharthvipul1 filiperosset chrisroberts pfrields fale heffer tomspur blackfile ignatenkobrain decause isimluk jflory7 jkurik swathe skamath mpduty caiqian ignacio alick jreznik tuanta pjp potty frafra jzb jdulaney tatica fredlima ribeiro mythcat cprofitt